Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

Artikelnummer: 978-0-14-143976-1
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Versand innert 1-2 Arbeitstagen
CHF 14.50
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'A work of glorious intelligence and literary devices . . . Nonsense becomes a form of higher sense' Malcolm Bradbury

'I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole . . . without the least idea what was to happen afterwards,' wrote Lewis Carroll, describing how Alice was conjured up one 'golden afternoon' to entertain a young girl. His dream worlds of nonsensical Wonderland and the back-to-front Looking-Glass kingdom depict order turned upside-down: a baby turns into a pig, time is abandoned at a disordered tea-party and a seven-year-old girl is made Queen. But amongst the anarchic humour and sparkling word play, puzzles and riddles, are poignant moments of nostalgia for lost childhood.

Edited with an Introduction and notes by Hugh Haughton

“A work of glorious intelligence and literary devices…Nonsense becomes a form of higher sense”
 –Malcolm Bradbury

Alice in Wonderland is one of the top 25 books of all time. I always loved the book and I always loved the various characters, the psychedelic nature of it and kind-of odd allegorical stories inside stories. I always thought it was beautiful.”
 –Jonny Depp

“Wonderland and the world through the Looking Glass were, I always knew, different from other imagined worlds. Nothing could be changed, although things in the story were always changing…Carroll moves his readers as he moves chess pieces and playing cards.”
 –A. S. Byatt

“It would not have occurred to me even to suspect that the “children’s tale” was in brilliant ways coded to be read by adults and was in fact an English classic, a universally acclaimed intellectual tour de force and what might be described as a psychological/anthropological dissection of Victorian England. It seems not to have occurred to me that the child-Alice of drawing rooms, servants, tea and crumpets and chess, was of a distinctly different background than my own. I must have been the ideal reader: credulous, unjudging, eager, thrilled. I knew only that I believed in Alice, absolutely.”
 –Joyce Carol Oates

“The Alices are the greatest nonsense ever written, and far greater, in my view, than most sense.”
 –Philip Pullman
B-Format Paperback

'A work of glorious intelligence and literary devices . . . Nonsense becomes a form of higher sense' Malcolm Bradbury

'I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole . . . without the least idea what was to happen afterwards,' wrote Lewis Carroll, describing how Alice was conjured up one 'golden afternoon' to entertain a young girl. His dream worlds of nonsensical Wonderland and the back-to-front Looking-Glass kingdom depict order turned upside-down: a baby turns into a pig, time is abandoned at a disordered tea-party and a seven-year-old girl is made Queen. But amongst the anarchic humour and sparkling word play, puzzles and riddles, are poignant moments of nostalgia for lost childhood.

Edited with an Introduction and notes by Hugh Haughton

“A work of glorious intelligence and literary devices…Nonsense becomes a form of higher sense”
 –Malcolm Bradbury

Alice in Wonderland is one of the top 25 books of all time. I always loved the book and I always loved the various characters, the psychedelic nature of it and kind-of odd allegorical stories inside stories. I always thought it was beautiful.”
 –Jonny Depp

“Wonderland and the world through the Looking Glass were, I always knew, different from other imagined worlds. Nothing could be changed, although things in the story were always changing…Carroll moves his readers as he moves chess pieces and playing cards.”
 –A. S. Byatt

“It would not have occurred to me even to suspect that the “children’s tale” was in brilliant ways coded to be read by adults and was in fact an English classic, a universally acclaimed intellectual tour de force and what might be described as a psychological/anthropological dissection of Victorian England. It seems not to have occurred to me that the child-Alice of drawing rooms, servants, tea and crumpets and chess, was of a distinctly different background than my own. I must have been the ideal reader: credulous, unjudging, eager, thrilled. I knew only that I believed in Alice, absolutely.”
 –Joyce Carol Oates

“The Alices are the greatest nonsense ever written, and far greater, in my view, than most sense.”
 –Philip Pullman
B-Format Paperback
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VerlagPenguin Books
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe448 S.
AbbildungenB-format paperback
MasseH19.7 cm x B12.9 cm x D2.6 cm 327 g
CoverlagPenguin Classics (Imprint/Brand)
AutorCarroll, Lewis / Tenniel, John (Illustr.) / Haughton, Hugh (Hrsg.)

Über den Autor Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll (eigentlich Charles Lutwidge Dodgson; 27.1.1832 Daresbury - 14.1.1898 Guiltford) ist aufgrund seiner bis heute breit rezipierten Nonsensedichtung und Nonsenseliteratur um die Erlebnisse des Mädchens Alice im Wunderland einer der berühmtesten Vertreter der Literatur des Viktorianischen Zeitalters. Als Sohn einer wohlhabenden Familie erhält der mathematisch hochbegabte Charles zunächst Privatunterricht zuhause, besucht dann ein gutes Internat und studiert an der Oxford University. Daneben ist er ein talentierter Porträtfotograf junger Mädchen. Es erscheinen von ihm mathematische wie literarische Publikationen. Seine Romane »Alice's Adventures in Wonderland« (dt. »Alices Abenteuer im Wunderland«) oder »Through the Looking-Glass« (dt. »Alice hinter den Spiegeln«) kratzen in einer Mischung aus überschäumender Phantasie, Logik und Wortspielerei an den Grenzen der Realität und inspirieren Literaten wie James Joyce ebenso wie Künstler des Surrealismus, etwa André Breton oder Max Ernst. Auch in zahlreichen Filmadaptionen erfreuen sich die Figuren Carolls - etwa der verrückte Hutmacher, der Marzhäse, die Grinsekatze oder die weise Raupe Absolem - großer Beliebtheit. Sein drittes großes Werk »The Hunting of the Snark« (dt. »Die Jagd nach dem Schnatz«) beschreibt die Jagd nach einem Fabelwesen, bei dem alle Beteiligten der Expedition mit einem 'B' beginnen.

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