Mathematics for Reliability Engineering (eBook)

Modern Concepts and Applications
Artikelnummer: 978-3-11-072563-6
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
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CHF 193.45
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Reliability is a fundamental criterium in engineering systems. This book shows innovative concepts and applications of mathematics in solving reliability problems. The contents address in particular the interaction between engineers and mathematicians, as well as the cross-fertilization in the advancement of science and technology. It bridges the gap between theory and practice to aid in practical problem-solving in various contexts.

Reliability is a fundamental criterium in engineering systems. This book shows innovative concepts and applications of mathematics in solving reliability problems. The contents address in particular the interaction between engineers and mathematicians, as well as the cross-fertilization in the advancement of science and technology. It bridges the gap between theory and practice to aid in practical problem-solving in various contexts.

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VerlagDe Gruyter
EinbandAdobe Digital Editions
Seitenangabe274 S.
Abbildungen38 b/w and 58 col. ill., 34 b/w tbl.
Auflage21001 A. 1. Auflage
ReiheDe Gruyter Series on the Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Information Sciences
AutorRam, Mangey (Hrsg.) / Xing, Liudong (Hrsg.)

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