The Jump

Artikelnummer: 978-0-571-32158-2
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
CHF 17.50
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Struggling to come to terms with the suicide of her teenage son, Ellie lives in the shadows of the Forth Road Bridge, lingering on its footpaths and swimming in the waters below. One day she talks down another suicidal teenager, Sam, and sees for herself a shot at redemption, the chance to atone for her son's death.

But even with the best intentions, she can't foresee the situation she's falling headlong into - a troubled family, with some very dark secrets of their own.

From #1 bestselling author of Gone Again, The Jump is a hugely moving contemporary thriller, and a stunning portrait of an unlikely heroine.

Struggling to come to terms with the suicide of her teenage son, Ellie lives in the shadows of the Forth Road Bridge, lingering on its footpaths and swimming in the waters below. One day she talks down another suicidal teenager, Sam, and sees for herself a shot at redemption, the chance to atone for her son's death.

But even with the best intentions, she can't foresee the situation she's falling headlong into - a troubled family, with some very dark secrets of their own.

From #1 bestselling author of Gone Again, The Jump is a hugely moving contemporary thriller, and a stunning portrait of an unlikely heroine.

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VerlagFaber & Faber
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe288 S.
MasseH19.3 cm x B13.0 cm x D2.0 cm 240 g
AutorJohnstone, Doug

Über den Autor Doug Johnstone

Doug Johnstone ist der Autor von dreizehn Romanen, zuletzt The Great Silence (2021). Sein letztes Buch, The Big Chill (2020), stand auf der Longlist für den Theakston Crime Novel of the Year. Drei seiner Bücher, "Eingeäschert" A Dark Matter (2020), "Der Bruch" Breakers (2019) und The Jump (2015), standen auf der Shortlist für den McIlvanney Prize for Scottish Crime Novel of the Year. Als Journalist, Songwriter und Atomphysiker lebt er mit seiner Familie in Edinburgh.

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