The Marsh King's Daughter

A one-more-page, read-in-one-sitting thriller that you'll remember for ever
Artikelnummer: 978-0-7515-6739-7
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Versand innert 1-2 Arbeitstagen
CHF 22.90
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'I was born two years into my mother's captivity. She was three weeks shy of seventeen. If I had known then what I do now, things would have been a lot different. I wouldn't have adored my father.'

When notorious child abductor - known as The Marsh King - escapes from a maximum security prison, Helena immediately suspects that she and her two young daughters are in danger.

No one, not even her husband, knows the truth about Helena's past: they don't know that she was born into captivity, that she had no contact with the outside world before the age of twelve - or that her father raised her to be a killer.

And they don't know that The Marsh King can survive and hunt in the wilderness better than anyone... except, perhaps his own daughter.

Packed with gripping suspense and powerful storytelling, The Marsh King's Daughter is a one-more-page, read-in-one-sitting thriller that you'll remember for ever.

The prose is sinuous and lush; the storytelling is relentless... Home is set to make the season's other thrillers look undernourished.
Trade Paperback

'I was born two years into my mother's captivity. She was three weeks shy of seventeen. If I had known then what I do now, things would have been a lot different. I wouldn't have adored my father.'

When notorious child abductor - known as The Marsh King - escapes from a maximum security prison, Helena immediately suspects that she and her two young daughters are in danger.

No one, not even her husband, knows the truth about Helena's past: they don't know that she was born into captivity, that she had no contact with the outside world before the age of twelve - or that her father raised her to be a killer.

And they don't know that The Marsh King can survive and hunt in the wilderness better than anyone... except, perhaps his own daughter.

Packed with gripping suspense and powerful storytelling, The Marsh King's Daughter is a one-more-page, read-in-one-sitting thriller that you'll remember for ever.

The prose is sinuous and lush; the storytelling is relentless... Home is set to make the season's other thrillers look undernourished.
Trade Paperback
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VerlagLittle, Brown and Company
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe320 S.
MasseH23.4 cm x B15.3 cm x D3.1 cm 422 g
CoverlagSphere (Imprint/Brand)
AutorDionne, Karen

Über den Autor Karen Dionne

Karen Dionne hat in jungen Jahren mit ihrem Mann und ihrer kleinen Tochter ein alternatives Leben in einer Hütte auf der Upper Peninsula geführt. Ihre Erfahrungen in der Wildnis von Michigan inspirierten sie zu ihrem Psychothriller-Debüt und großen Bestseller »Die Moortochter«, dem mit »Die Rabentochter« wieder ein packender Psychothriller folgt. Heute lebt Karen Dionne mit ihrem Mann in einem Vorort von Detroit, wo sie an weiteren Spannungsromanen schreibt. »Die Mohrtochter« wurde mit Daisy Ridley und Ben Mendelsohn in den Hauptrollen unter dem Titel »Das Erwachen der Jägerin« erfolgreich verfilmt.

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